Obscuring the Light and Mixing with the Dust
1936, unpublished
御光を 和めて塵に埋もりつ 世を救ひます救主の尊とさ | ||||
1 |
Precious the |
#1, S4-166A | ||
救世の為 宝冠塵に埋めますは 大慈大悲に在せばなりける | ||||
2 | For world salvation, The holy crown is so Covered in dust in order To provide all with great Compassion great mercy. |
#2, S4-166B | ||
S4-88C 救世の為 宝冠塵に埋めますは 大慈大悲にませばなりける In a set of poems titled “The Light from the East” in The Light from the East, Issue 8, #3, October 21, 1935. | ||||
高き低きに 差別とてなくねもごろに 誨ふ大慈の君にませるも |
3 | Without distinction To high or low, Warmly and cordially The lord of great compassion Helps, teaches others. |
#3, S4-166C | ||
S4-210B 高き低きに 差別とてなくねもごろに 誨ふ大慈の世尊讃へん In a set of poems titled “Way of Boddhisattva (18)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society,
#190, 1936, unpublished ; S4-365A 高き低きの 差別とてなく懇ろに 誨ふ人こそ御旨に叶わむ In a set
of poems titled “Way of the Boddhisattva” in Gosanka Poems, #153, July
1, 1948; S6-52A 高き低きの 差別をつけず懇ろに 教ゆ人こそ御旨に叶はむ In a set of poems titled
“The Way We Should Live” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #67, page 16, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 54A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 54A; Prayers and Poems, page 54A; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #74, pages 35 & 160; Book of Gosanka, #114, page 29; Meishu and His Teachings, page 21. | ||||
S4-210B translation Praising the World-honored / One of Great Compassion who / Without distinction to high / Or low, warmly and cordially / Helps, teaches others. | ||||
S4-365A translation Without distinction / To high or low, / Those who help, teaching others / Warmly and cordially / Are in accord with God’s will. | ||||
S6-52A translation Without distinction / To high or low, / Those who help, teach others / Warmly and cordially / Are in accord with God’s will. | ||||
Book of Gosanka translation A man who can teach / With understanding and love, / With no prejudice / Shown to those on high or low / Is one who lives by God’s Will. | ||||
Meishu and His Teachings translation The man who can teach / With understanding and love, / The great words of God / With no discrimination / Is one who follows His will. | ||||
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation Those who guide others, whether high or low, / With kindness and without discrimination / Are acting in accord with God’s Will. | ||||
Prayers and Gosanka, Prayers and Poems, SDII translation Those who guide others / Without discrimination, / With kindness and love / No matter who they may be, / Act in accord with God’s Will. | ||||
尊き身も 露しらぬげに賤が身を 待らせ給ふ事のうれしさ |
4 | Happy that I can Wait in poverty, Not being perceived At all My high status. |
#4, S4-167A | ||
伊都能売の 御神の天降りなかりせば これの大地は滅びしなるらめ | ||||
5 | This great planet would Probably have perished If not the divine Izunome had not Descended to this earth. | #5, S4-167B | ||
地の上の あらん限りの人草は 観音力に蘇るかも | ||||
6 | Restored to life By the power of Kannon will be The people on the Face of the earth. | #6, S4-167C | ||
S4-89A 地の上の あらん限りの人草は 観音力に蘇るかも In a set of poems titled “The Light from the East” in The Light from the East, Issue 8, #5, October 21, 1935; S4-210C 地の上の あらん限りの生きものは 観音力に蘇るかも In a set of poems titled “Way of Boddhisattva (18)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #191, 1936, unpublished; S4-365B 地の上の 生きとし生けるもの悉は 観音力に蘇るらむ In a set of poems titled “Way of the Bodhisattva,” in Gosanka Poems, #154; July 1, 1948. | ||||
S4-210C translation Restored to life / By the power of / Kannon will be / Life on the / Face of the earth. | ||||
S4-365B translation Restored to life / By the power of / Kannon will be / All of the sentient beings / On the face of the earth. | ||||
有難し 救主が御声を聞く毎に 我体魂は力増すなり | ||||
7 | Every time I hear Your inspired, sacred Voice, my body and Soul increases In strength. | #7, S4-167D | ||
S4-365C 有難し ああ有難し御姿を 打仰ぐ毎心和むも In a set of poems titled “Way of the Bodhisattva” in Gosanka Poems, #155, July 1, 1948; S4-210D 有難し 慈悲の御言葉聞く毎に 我体魂は力増すなり In a set of poems titled “Way of the Boddhisattva (18)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #192, 1936, unpublished. | ||||
Alternate translation Thankful, / Ah, how thankful. / Every time I behold / The divine presence, / My heart is comforted. | ||||
S4-365C translation Grateful! Ah, how / Grateful am I! How / Soothing, how comforting / It is indeed every time / I revere the divine visage. | ||||
S4-210D translation Every time I hear / The inspired, sacred / Words of compassion, / My body and soul / Increases in strength. | ||||
何時までも 塵に埋もる救主ならで やがては高きに輝きまさなん | ||||
8 | The lord of salvation will not Always be buried in the dust; Ultimately will be Illuminated the world On a high level. | #8, S4-167E | ||
いと高き 御身もいとはず救世の為 賤が伏屋を訪ねる救主はも | ||||
9 | Without divulging Noble status, the lord of Salvation has visited my Humble cottage for The sake of world salvation. | #9, S4-168A | ||
金剛の 宝座にやがて輝かん 光の救主を仰ぐたのしさ | ||||
10 | Pleasurable it is To behold the lord Of the light of salvation, Eventually illuminating The diamond throne. | #10, S4-168B | ||