Great Construction

Nine, Natural Therapy

     Human beings who were created by God should be considered to be articles of the highest level of art, incomparable throughout all of creation. The passage in the Jewish and Christian Bible which states that human beings were made in God’s image is truth. Thus, the miraculous, mysterious structure of the human being cannot be thoroughly explained through the medium of material science. What science has finally been able to understand is merely one part of the very surface, so it cannot be declared that science will be able to clarify the rest even after thousands of years. Calmly think about it. Describing the upper and lower limbs of human beings is self-evident, but to consider the movement initiated by subtle will and thought, the expression from the heart of feelings such as joy, anger, sadness and pleasure, the sensitivity of the nerves which find it unbearable when the human being is bitten even by a flea, the fact that the tongue in addition to conveying all aspects of will also tastes all food and drink, or the intriguing fact among the 1.8 billion people in the world [1935], the physical faces and mental processes of all differ completely, praise for the ingenuity of the Creator cannot be high enough. In particular, the mysteriousness of the reproductive process by which one human being is created is beyond words. Thus, to the extent that a human being is not made by material science like a robot, it is only natural that science cannot solve the mystery of life.
     Someone may ask, did not science solve the frightening problem of smallpox through vaccination? But in this regard, according to spiritual guidance from the Regarder of the Cries of the World, thousands of years ago smallpox did not exist. Smallpox came into existence as a result of the sins and impurities produced by human beings, as were conditions such as leprosy and syphilis. You can understand this history from the fact that leprosy used to be called in Japanese, “the disease of heavenly punishment.” Smallpox is a function to clear away sins and impurities, but vaccination is designed to forestall that elimination, so from the standpoint of the way things should be, vaccination is not necessarily good. Due in large part to vaccination, human health has been weakened; the life span, shortened; and debts greater than just getting smallpox, incurred. Nowadays, however, when conduct is not correct and people act contrary to the laws of heaven, even though individuals may not be inoculated against smallpox, there is no reason why members of the populace should not come down with smallpox. So, although those admirable people who do not come down with smallpox are extremely rare, until the appearance of the world of great divine light, affliction by smallpox will be unavoidable. At the dawn of the world of great divine light, the infectious diseases of today and other serious diseases will be completely wiped out. What will still remain of sicknesses will only be that such as the common cold and diarrhea.
     When a human being comes down with some form of sickness or disease, the human body itself initiates great activity to eliminate and exterminate that condition. That great activity is self-made medication. The human physical body contains within itself all manner of pharmacies and licensed medical doctors, so whether or not something impure such as disease invades the body, the physical body has within itself a hospital and a medical doctor that are able to diagnose and dispense a prescription that begins treatment of the condition. This great function possesses wonderful medicine and instruments and does a good job of healing the body. When something poisonous is ingested, the pharmacy within immediately prescribes a laxative that expels the poisons through diarrhea. If bad germs assault the body, treatment by the germicidal function of fever commences. When individuals become addicted to substances, their bodies reject the substance and expel the poisons, and red rashes appear on the skin while through fever, the substances are eliminated. Also with addiction occurs the great activity of the kidneys that cleanses with fluids and expels the waste in the urine. When great amounts of other sorts of impure elements are ingested, the methods employed to treat the condition such as expulsion through phlegm are quite ingenious. Therefore, if all diseases are left to themselves, most of them will heal naturally. Because this process is not known and understood, treatment by pharmaceuticals created by scientific research are utilized which become great obstacles in the path of the body’s natural healing therapy, and the term of the disease or illness, extended. To prove this for yourself, if you get sick, as much as possible leave the body to heal itself! The unusual swiftness of complete recovery should impress.
     With disease or illness, nature is to be completely and thoroughly respected, so if you feel like sleeping, sleep; if you want to get up, get up; if you want to walk, walk; if you want to eat, eat; if you do not want to eat, it is all right if two or three days pass until an appetite returns; if you get a fever, the use of a water-filled pillow is probably the most that should be done, and any further treatments are best avoided as much is possible.
     Following these procedures will indeed make for healing of any disease.
     Promoting natural therapy is not to say that the field of medical science is unnecessary; even within medicine, there is that which is not completely useless, such as, for example, bacteriology, one part of the science of hygiene, surgery in times of war, dentistry, and bone setting.

Lectures on Japanese Medicine, Volume 1, 1935
translated by cynndd

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“Kyū, Shizen Ryōhō” is the ninth chapter of Nihon Ijutsu Kōgiroku, Dai-ippen (Lectures on Japanese Medicine, Volume 1) which was compiled and distributed in mimeographed form in 1935. Although “Dai-ippen” (Volume 1) is included in the title where it has been anthologized, there are no subsequent volumes. “Kyū, Shizen Ryōhō” has previously appeared in translation. Citation is given below for reference.

Natural Therapy,True Health, 1987, page 55.