Great Construction
A Way To Happiness
I don’t think there is anyone in this world who does not want to become truly happy. I believe the greatest desire and the ultimate goal of a human being is the attainment of happiness. And, it is obvious that the greatest condition for happiness is for a person to be free from disease, to have a family which does not include any sick people.
Up to now, however, it has been an impossibility to be in a constantly perfect state of health in this world. Even someone who is healthy at present entertains a fear that he or she may be attacked by some kind of ailment at any time, under any circumstance. I think this is true of almost everyone.
Moreover, once an individual is attacked by some kind of sickness, there is oftentimes no way of knowing whether it is one which can be healed easily or one that is difficult, one from which it may be hard to recover. In such a case the sense of misgiving is beyond words. For this reason, both people who are enjoying favorable circumstances and those who have succeeded in life cannot be completely free from apprehension about sickness, and so the truth is they cannot be swimming in bliss.
As I have said repeatedly, the root cause of all misfortune is sickness. People in general save money mostly for the purpose of preparing themselves against this very thing. Health insurance and life insurance policies come into being for this reason. All social welfare works—such as orphanages, retirement homes, fraternal insurance policies—exist for the same reason.
Therefore, however ideal a government a nation may have, unless that government can solve the problem of disease there can be no true happiness for the people. Indeed, health is the root of happiness, or rather, it is the whole of happiness. Yet, up to the present there has been no healing method which could offer a complete, fundamental solution to the problem.
I don’t mean to make a great boast of this, but as I stated before, by using Johrei, which I developed in obedience to God’s Will, we can liberate all of humanity from the fear of becoming ill. Therefore, I can affirm to you that when you come to know of our art of healing, of Johrei, you can truly attain real happiness.
The way to happiness, for which humanity has been longing for thousands of years has been opened.
Medicine for Tomorrow, Volume 2, September 28, 1942
translated by KH* * *
This translation of “Kōfuku e no Michi” is based on an 1980s’ anthologized version that dates the text at September 28, 1942, which is known as the first appearance in mimeographed form of Medicine for Tomorrow. This text of “Kōfuku e no Michi” does not differ from the texts of the second edition (February 5, 1943) or the third edition (October 23, 1943) of Medicine for Tomorrow. “Kōfuku e no Michi” was not anthologized while Meishu-sama was still alive but has appeared in translation. Citation is given below for reference.
“The Road to Happiness,” True Health, page 17, 1987.