Great Construction
The Movement for Heavenly Transformation Through Flowers
What does it mean when it is said that the goal of World Messianity is the construction of paradise on earth? Obviously, paradise on earth is a world pervaded with both thought and deed in complete truth, virtue, beauty. The essence of World Messianity which is our approach to health and Natural Cultivation are of course embodiments of this concept. Indeed, the therapy of Johrei is the reconstruction of not only the physical body but also that of spirit. Apart from this reconstruction, also crucial is improvement through making beautiful the human heart. To speak of beauty, at present World Messianity is launching a new project, Concerning this project, let me first describe the present conditions in Japan.
Beauty can roughly be divided into the domain of the ears, that of the eyes, and that of the tongue. As for the ears, there has probably been no age when music has been so popular. Such popularity results, of course, from the radio which has been greatly assisted by the development of the phonograph and the gramophone. As far as the eyes are concerned, however, the situation of that such as the theatre and cinema is discouraging. Being able to come into contact with the sensation of beauty without limitations of time and of expense in a simple and accessible manner is wanted. Indeed, the theatre and the cinema do pleasure the eyes, but as long as they are subject to restrictions due to time, expense, transportation, and so forth, they cannot be all there is to the sensation of beauty through the eyes. It is because of this situation that we offer a proposal: the cultivation and distribution of ornamental flowers most appropriate for the universalization of beauty. That is, the decoration with flowers in rooms of ordinary homes and other places. At present, flowers decorate the houses of mostly the middle-class and above, but this is insufficient. We would like to see flowers in spaces of those of any station. We would like to see flowers brought before the eyes of everyone.
There should be no need to explain the extent to which the sort of fresh feeling that one stem of flower would give to the corner of an office or to a bookshelf. Ideally, a branch of flowers should be placed even in detention centers and prisons. Doing so would provide a favorable influence to the hearts of criminals. When our society becomes one in which there are flowers wherever there are human beings, the hellish aspects of the present will be substantially softened.
Carrying out such a project, however, is hopeless with the prices of flowers so expensive as they are these days. Flowers must become available at a very low cost. The cultivation of ornamental flowers should be increased as much as possible to the extent that it does not interfere with the production of foodstuffs. In this regard, I have an additional important proposal.
Japan is highly reputed to have a great variety of flowers and has also reached high levels in the amount of flowers under cultivation. It is well known that before the last war, the revenue from exported tulips like those of the Netherlands which were grown in the Echigo Region was quite considerable, that lilies are cultivated in the outplaying districts of Kanagawa Prefecture and exported to the United Kingdom and the United States, and that these exports are increasing every year. According to our research, Americans are quite desirous of Japanese flowers and are quite eager to procure blooms that are not available in North America. Hereafter the great expansion of the production of such flowers should used to help acquire foreign currency. This possibility has been rather neglected until now, but there is now a need to encourage such enterprises. Moreover, flowers would be an item of trade whose export amounts are not restricted, so the project deserves great expectations.
At present, several steps away from the Atami Plum Garden, World Messianity has a team of some ten-odd workers laboring on the creation of an area of a little over eight acres where flowers can be cultivated as products and also form part of a model park.
Hikari, Issue 8, page 1, May 8, 1949
translated by cynndd* * *
“Hana ni Yoru Tengokuka Undō,” originally published on the front page of Hikari, Issue 8, May 8, 1949, reprinted while Meishu-sama was still alive in the essays anthology for ministers Goshinsho: Shūkyōhen (Divine Writings: Volume on Religion), page 453, March 25, 1954, and soon after Meishu-sama died, again reprinted in the essays anthology for ministers Sekai Meshiya Kyō Seiten, Geijutsuhen, Shakaihen (Sacred Texts of the Church of World Messianity, Volume on Art, Volume on Society), page 174, September 1, 1955, has appeared in translation. Citation is given below for reference.
“The Role of Flowers in Establishing Paradise on Earth,” Foundation of Paradise, 1984, page 271.
“Raising Consciousness Through Flowers,” Teachings of Meishu-sama, Volume Four, 2007, page 6.