Great Construction

Divine Science

     What is the essential quality of spiritual cloud. It is the toxic “germs” which have been generated in the spirit of water which man possesses. These germs are so minute that they can not be seen by scientific aids. The principle of how such minute germs are generated shall be explained later in a separate article, so here let me only explain the principle of annihilating these toxic germs through the spiritual power of Johrei.
     How is one able to annihilate the cloud or toxic germs in man’s spiritual body through the power of the radio-activity channelled through a human body in the administration of Johrei? The element of the radioactivity is the light-wave which is generated from the spirit of fire, the essence of light. This is the element quite contrary in quality to the toxic germs in the spirit of water. The difference of the qualities between Zen (justice, virtue) and Aku (injustice, vice). This light-wave is composed of ultra-minute particles of light and exerts a sterilizing power.
     Now let me explain what the essential quality of this light-wave is. The ultra-minute particles which compose the lightwave is a radioactivity from God, and the original source of the divine favours through which our church members are working daily miracles by Johrei. I have known well that non-members as well as members have marveled and have been anxious to know the principle by which these miracles are brought about. However, I have hitherto been unable to clarify the principle because the time was then premature, but now that the final moment is at hand, I am obliged to reveal it.
     Up to now, the salvation of mankind by The Divinity has been achieved only spiritually and the favors of God upon human beings has not been so apparent, because the Divine Light from God was not powerful enough as it had been composed of the spirits of fire and water only and lacked the spirit of soil.
     However, now is the time of the great transition in the spiritt world. The end of the world or the Last Judgement advocated in the Christian Bible is at hand. This has made the absolute poweer of salvation necessary. This absolute power should be composed of the spirits of fire, water and soil, the Trinity power. The spirit of soil means the element of substance in general, and in this case, the human body.
     Passing through a human body, the Divine Light acquires the Trinity power composed of the spirits of fire, water and soil. Thus, the element of light exerted from God appears as the Divine Power by passing through my body and becomes the purificatory power when it is transmitted from me to every member and emanates from his body through Johrei.
     The other reason of the absoluteness in the power of Johrei is this. The great transition period in the spirit world started recently. In the spirit world before that time the amount of the spirit of water had been greater than that of the spirit of fire. However, since the above-mentioned time, the amount of the spirit of fire has been gradually increased, surpassing the amount of the spirit of water.

 Teachings of Meishu and Kyoshu, page 18, no date [1959?]

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     “Divine Science” from Teachings of Meishu and Kyoshu is a reprint with revisions of “Divine Science—Principle of Johrei” published in The Glory, Number 012, March 15, 1956, which is a translation of the contents of “Daisan, Daiyon [yōyaku]” (“Daisan, Daiyon [summary] Jōrei no Genri, Shinji no Igaku,” Hikari, extra edition, page 2, May 30, 1949.