Great Construction


  That religion is inseparable from miracles is manifest in itself as well as evidenced in a lot of old documents. If a religion had no miracles, it could not be called a religion any longer. This is because miracles are what God creates and even a single miracle cannot be created by the human power. Therefore, what is called a religion but with no miracles has no significance of being as a religion, for however religious its formalities appear, it cannot possibly have any significance as religion.

  In this context, it is quite natural that the greater a religion is, the more miracles it shows. To put it in other words, it is a miracle that unexpected benefit emerges and because of this, a faith in God surges up from the bottom of the heart, comes to believe in God and attains salvation from unhappiness. What can this be other than true religion? There is no need to say this now, but a hundred theories is no more worthy than a single fact. The present state of things in Japan may be the result of losing the war, but, not to mention the sudden increase of social evils, the fact that among others, the young generation who are to shoulder the future of Japan have suffered unsound ideas and fallen into a desperate confusion is cause for the greatest anxiety. When we hit on the cause of this, we find it the result of their education which recognizes no other authority than materialism, and as long as we are unaware of this fallacy, we cannot possibly be able to solve this problem at all. So then, what should we do to explode this materialism? Of course, people must become aware of religious sense, and what allows this to happen is to make them recognize the existence of God being basically invisible, which we constantly advocate. And the method for it is none other than miracles, because miracles make it possible what has been considered to be humanly impossible and if the facts are displayed before their eyes which is absolutely impossible to be explained by scientific theories, as a matter of course, any doubt will be scattered like smoke instantly.

  Therefore, we can say, "Religion is a miracle and a miracle is religion." as the title above. Accordingly, except making people recognize the existence of God and cultivating spiritualism, the expected result cannot be brought as to building a peaceful Japan as well as vanishing social evils.

  In human history, no religion has probably not been recorded that showed as many miracles as ours. In this meaning, at this time when we are coming into the great turning point of the world, the purpose of our religion is to shake sleeping souls up by the inspiration of miracles against the world which has lost spiritualistic souls.

  The Omnipotent God, through the hand of Kanzeon Bosatsu or otherwise named Komyo Nyorai, exerts his supreme power free from all obstacles, demonstrates many and many more miracles, and is doing the great work, the salvation of the world, setting this religion of ours as his own organ.

Hikari, No.12, June 11, 1949 (the 24th year of Showa)
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This essay has previously appeared in translation six times. The citations are given below for reference.

“Religion is Miracle,” The Glory, Number 018, November 10, 1957.

“Religion is Miracle,” Teachings of Meishu and Kyoshu, page 35, no date given but estimated to be late 1956 or early 1957.

“Religion Works Miracles,” Teachings of Meishu-sama, Volume One, page 10, 1960.

“Faith Works Miracles,” Teachings of Meishu-sama, Volume One, page 14, 1965, 1967.

“Religion and Miracles” Foundation of Paradise, 1984, page 138.

“Religion Is a Thing of Miracles” A Hundred Teachings of Meishu-sama, no date, page 17.