Great Construction

Door of Mystery Opened (TMK)

     That which I preach is mostly unprecedented, so there may be not a few people who entertain doubts as to what I truly mean.
     To dispel their doubts, I will now give a simple explanation.
     Construction of the “Earthly Kingdom of Heaven” which I am always advocating is not my own notion, but one which God revealed to me together with plans and aspects as to how to realize it and He has endowed me with the great power to perform the said mission as the time is opportune now.
     Exertion of this superhuman power to learn things results in the views which I preach and the enigmas hitherto inexplicable, or any other phenomena veiled in the fog of mystery which have been clearly disclosed to my spiritual senses. What I write are those truths just as they have been disclosed to me. Now is the time when everything should be brought to light. The world has hitherto been in the dark period and so it is a matter of course that people have been unable to see things clearly. The dim light has not been bright enough to perceive the truth. This has been the real condition of this world.
     The dawning of the new world began at the middle of June, 1931. Since then, the world has entered the daylight period, the “Bright World” or the “World of Glory” is at hand, and the “Earthly Kingdom of Heaven” is being realized. Accordingly, every enigma, secret, social vice, etc., are to be exposed to the light, this world hitherto opaque will become transparent and vice will have no refuge to hide in.
     It is natural that the world free from disease, poverty and conflict should be born by ridding vice of the world, when vice is the sole cause of disease, poverty and conflict, the three great disasters of human beings.
     The cause of all human diseases, the great pain of the three, will, of course, be clarified, causing a diseaseless world to be realized.
     No religion, philosophy, pedagogy, idea, etc. up to the present has been able to completely explain or, penetrate into the pith of, all phenomena in the world.
     Buddha, when seventy-two years of age, said, “Now, I have become able to see the truth”, and Nichiren, a famous Buddhist, I hear, became able to see the truth at his fiftieth year.
     Seeing the truth means to penetrate into the pith. What Buddha called the truth which he saw was the fall of Buddhism and the birth of “Miroku,” the Messiah, and in the case of Nichiren, it was the appearance of the world of “Gino,” a Utopia, with the birth of “Johgyo-Bostsu”, the Messiah in another name, after six hundred and fifty years.
     Jesus Christ would have been unable to predict the appearance of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Second Advent of Christ unless he “saw the truth” although he did not say so.
     We can imagine that other saints who could almost “see the truth” must have appeared in the world since olden times.
     “To see the truth” is, as it were, to climb up to the top of a pyramid. The higher we climb, the wider the field of vision becomes, and the more things we can see.
     As for me, I became able to “see the truth” at forty-five years of age. One can clearly know everything ranging over past, present and future when one has reached the state of “seeing the truth”.
     Every error committed by human beings in the past is clearly visible to me, and also the future condition of the world and mankind can palpably be seen through.
     I am not, however, able to tell everything which I have come to know, for the present. For Satan, the “Daiba” (the Devil is Buddhist term) or the Pharisees are still continuing to disturb our cause. So I am obliged to publish only a part of my knowledge.
     It is Providence that I am obliged to publish only a part of my knowledge, although I feel some dissatisfaction in leaving my knowledge half published.
     Still anyone who has ever read my writings must perceive that what I have hitherto published must surpass what predecessors have written.
     Now, as is shown by the title, the door of mystery has already been opened.

Teachings of Meishu and Kyoshu, page 1, no date