Great Construction

Disease Is the Process of Eliminating Toxins

   In the simplest terms, disease is the process of expelling from the physical body in various material forms, impurities, that is, toxic materials. Nothing is more wonderful for human beings than the process of disease. If the function of disease did not exist, the human body would not be able to maintain health, would physically weaken, and the possibility of a long life would decrease. This is an absolute truth and the healing method on which this truth is based is the only proper way to rid the physical body of disease. Any healing art that is not based on this truth is a pseudo method and cannot completely cure human maladies.
  What I mean here by “toxic material” can take many forms, from phlegm, nasal mucous, the bloody mucous from coughing, impure blood from various types of hemorrhaging, pus, diarrhea, cloudy urine, sweat, saliva, discharge from the eyes, tears, and discharge from the ears to rashes, reddening of the skin, blotches, ringworm, athlete’s foot, and dandruff. Toxic materials, or, toxins if you will, such as those in the form of phlegm, nasal mucous, sweat, and cloudy urine are eliminated during colds. Toxins contained in diarrhea and the bloody discharge from hemorrhoids are those that have gathered in the abdomen from all parts of the body and then are expelled from the anus. Pus and bloody pus first form in boils and growths and are then eliminated. Different varieties of impure blood are eliminated through the skin in small pox, measles, scarlet fever, spotted fever, and scabies. Toxins are also dispelled in various other forms, so disease in general may be described as the process of cleansing the physical body.
  As a result of cleansing, the blood becomes purer, and purer blood increases the degree of health. The healthier body has improved blood circulation, is more immune to infection, its physical vitality grows, becomes more resistant to disease, and as a result of a healthier body, one’s mental outlook becomes brighter, more optimistic. On the other hand, a person who is always subject to colds, always feels unpleasant, who is prone to anger for no reason, is depressed, mentally weak, or is prone to tuberculosis, is someone with impure blood. Of all the conditions human beings may face, there is nothing to surpass the common cold for being the most simple and effective way to eliminate toxins and thus maintain good health. The best protection against disease is to try to catch a cold as much as possible. If one is often able to catch a cold and recover quickly, it is safe to say that one will not come down with tuberculosis or have mental problems.
   Medical science is not aware of this aspect of the human body and interprets all disease negatively, so you can see how mistaken is the present level of knowledge. The general public believes that medical science today has made tremendous progress in spite of the fact that actual results have been so doubtful. The more medical science “progresses,” the more it strays from the true principles of healing. Medical science has not even uncovered the cause of the common cold and its interpretation of tuberculosis is rather strained.
  Medical science cannot heal even the most basic of conditions because it is based on methods that block the natural healing process. Sicknesses are healed easily with our methods. Sickness is a God-given cleansing process, so when human beings are cleansed of their impurities to a certain extent, they can heal themselves with the natural ability that their physical bodies possess. After reaching this state, most conditions will be healed quickly if left to nature, without physical intervention.
  Since the faraway past, however, disease has been seen to be something bad, not the beneficial process it is, and medical science has developed to the present day on this negative basis. Although our understanding of the body has increased, physical suffering has also increased. Increased to the terrifying point where the very lives of human beings are in danger. People were not able to feel at ease unless measures were taken, and thus misinterpretation upon misinterpretation has led to the medical science we have today. What shocking foolishness has continued to the present day! Think of the great sacrifice in human life over the centuries! It may very well be that the forbidden fruit mentioned in the Christian Bible is in reality medicine.
We should rejoice, however, for the time has come for this fallacy to be brought to light. A world without sickness will appear, and in the near future, a human life span of more than one hundred years will become possible. As the number of individuals without toxins in their bodies increases, also will grow the number of people without disease and poverty who shun conflict. Thus will come about our motto, paradise on earth.
  As an unprecedented act of great salvation, paradise on earth will be a manifestation of God’s great love and will appear because it is time for it to do so. The most fundamental condition for this paradise is the elimination of sickness from human beings, and the key to the elimination of disease is the correction of medical science, so that all errors in the world may be resolved.

April 8, 1950, Kyûsei (World Salvation), Issue 57.
translated by cynndd