Great Construction

Health Is Truth

     Adapting to and respecting nature is the essence of health, a principle which first and foremost must be kept in mind when discussing the subject of health. In this regard, what deserves consideration is for what purpose did the Creator, that is, God, fashion the human being. According to our interpretation, God created human beings for the purpose of constructing a world of complete truth, virtue, beauty. Such a preposterous assertion will probably not be easily received. Rather, such an ideal world might be possible after thousands, millions, or billions of years. But, by looking at the grim reality of the past, it cannot be denied that slow movement, step by step, has been toward such a world. In this project, God is spirit and the human being is material, or body, and in reality the two combine together to accomplish progress. It should hardly be necessary to state that human beings are the field representatives for this project.
     As this is the state of human beings, it must be said that their responsibility is great, and that the basic condition for accomplishing this large undertaking is their health. For carrying out this great mission, it is only natural that God has given each individual life and the health to carry out the accomplishment of that duty. Human beings cannot carry out God’s purpose if they lose their health. When this principle as fundamental is deeply considered, we see that health is the natural state, the natural condition of human beings. But for some strange reason, human beings get sick easily. That is, they fall into an abnormal state. Thus, to understand this fundamental and to restore from an abnormal to the normal state of human beings is to comply with God’s purpose.
     For these reasons, as the abnormalization of the human body is investigated, what do we see? What we see is that the abnormality results from human beings existing in a state contrary to nature. This anti-natural condition must be recognized and understood and corrected which is the true healing, the restoration of the human body to its normal state. It is the very possibility of that restoration that is the way true healing should be. I will explain below what I mean by anti-natural.
     After human beings are born on this earth, they first drink the milk of their mothers or of beasts. They drink milk because their teeth have not yet developed, and their digestive organs are still in a fragile state. Gradually, as their teeth grow in and their bodily organs develop to adulthood, they become able to consume the appropriate type of food. Also, there are many varieties of foods, all of which possess their own taste and flavor, and human beings have been given the sense of taste in order to be able to enjoy consuming their food. And for the same purpose does the air, fire, and water exist in required amounts for the health of human beings, so the universe is indeed complete. Within, the human body is well equipped with reason and memory and emotions that result from the head and brain, along with hands that may fashion objects, with feet to allow human beings to move about freely, in addition to essential parts like hair, skin, nails, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, etc. From the visage to the entirety of the body covered in skin, various aspects of beauty are manifested.
     The preceding is only a rough approximation, but as the details are considered, the human body is indeed mystic technology of the Creator beyond words. The exquisite handiwork of the divine cannot help but elicit admiration, from one flower petal, one leaf, the beauty of the landscape, to the birds, beasts, insects and fishes. Of all, the human being is truly the Creator’s masterpiece. Particularly extraordinary beyond description are the functions for the preservation of seed and reproduction. Since the human body is God’s greatest creation, the abnormality that interferes with human activity which is known as sickness and disease deserves consideration. Reflection on this issue by human beings is utmost. 

 The Divinely-Inspired Approach to Health, Jikan Library, Volume 10, page 10, April 20, 1950
translated by cynndd

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“Kenkō no Shinri,” written specifically to be the second chapter of the tenth volume of Jikan Sōsho (the Jikan Library series), Shinji no Kenkōhō (The Divinely-Inspired Approach to Health), published on April 10, 1950, and never anthologized while Meishu-sama was alive, has appeared in translation. Citation is given below for reference.

“The Truth of Health,” True Health, 1987, page 31.

“The truth about health,” A Hundred Teachings of Meishusama, no date, page 194.