Great Construction
Tuberculosis and Miracle Drugs
Surely no product appears as rapidly and continuously on the market for the general public as the medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis. Only recently drugs such as cepharanthin, penicillin, and streptomyocin were made so popular. It is just like a fashion or trend. Each new medicine that becomes available, does so because it is stronger, more efficacious than the previous one, and, as I previously explained, the efficacy of a medicine is the efficacy of its toxicity, so the greater strength of the toxin means the power to interrupt the purifying process is that much stronger. In which case, since the symptoms decrease, it is sold as a miracle drug. Whatever the drug, however, a purifying activity will occur to cleanse the body of the medicinal toxins, and the more toxic the poisons, the stronger the purifying activity will be. The result is that measures which are taken to avoid suffering at a level of one give rise to suffering of level two. Since this process is thought to be the progress of the science of pharmacology, the problem is serious. Not to put too fine a point on the issue, this progress is nothing other than a mark of the fallacies of medical science that give rise to more sick people, make more prosperous the pharmaceutical industry, and contribute to the profits of the mass media in terms of the advertising costs. The inhabitants of our present age should really be pitied. I was able to make the important discovery of this fallacy because the time has come for the truth to be known, for the first ray of light in our dark world. What is this ray of light if nothing but an indication that the appearance of paradise on earth is not far away.
Revolutionary Treatment for Tuberculosis, page 28, August 15, 1951
translated by cynndd
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“Kekkaku to Tokkōyaku” is the seventh chapter of the book Kekkaku no Kakumeiteki Ryōhō (Revolutionary Treatment for Tuberculosis), 1951, page 28, August 15, 1951. Meishu-sama made several revisions to include this essay as the ninth chapter of the second part of Bunmei no Sōzō (Creation of Civilization), the manuscript of a book that remained unpublished while he was alive. A translation of the revised manuscript has appeared previously. Citation is given below for reference.
“Tuberculosis and a Specific Medicine,” Creation of Civilization, 1978, page 54.