Great Construction

Germs as the Cause of Disease

     Contemporary medical science considers germs to be, for the most part, the cause of disease, so the way of thinking goes that if the transmission of germs can be prevented, disease will not break out, but the question of what germs really are is a subject that must be thoroughly investigated and clarified. In other words, as long as the fundamentals of how and from where germs are generated remain unknown, establishing a true healing art is hardly possible.
     No matter how infinitesimal the germ, it does not generate spontaneously out of nowhere. There is a reason germs breed and there must be a source of generation. Medical science, however, only investigates the course of contagion and infection. Further beyond, efforts are not made to understand. In other words, medical science has not progressed as far as knowing the fundamentals. The current state of understanding is that the truth about the cause of disease is only known partway. To say that disease originates from infection by germs is merely a theory about effects. Advances in the development of microscopy have shown more levels of the infinitesimal which has made researchers and scientists ecstatic because they believed that they had come to understand the cause of disease. Such has been the basis on which research has continued, but the current state of bacteriology as seen from our perspective can only be called extremely superficial.
     By all means must research penetrate as far as the source of the generation of germs whose reality must be grasped. Scientists have not perceived this point which was inevitable because they have yet to discover the method that would be essential for understanding this reality. The further advance of microscopy will not only be difficult, but proceeding further into the realm of germs through mechanical measurement will be impossible. Because this is a world equivalent to nothing, I have named it, “the realm of inorganic substance.” There are some scientists, however, who do recognize that this inorganic world is not true nothing, and although it has been envisioned that this world must certainly exist, its reality is not yet understood. The little of what has been discovered are the viruses. As such, it can be said that the microbiological sciences have yet to leave behind the stages of infancy. And there is a reason why not more of this world has not been grasped. The realm of inorganic substance does not belong to the field of science, but to an area midway between science and religion. Indeed, this very midway zone, an elemental world finer than air, is the source of the generation of germs, which I will now explain.
Since the generating source of germs, that is, pathogens which are the actual cause of disease lies in the realm of inorganic substance, an interpretation of the pathology of disease at the current level of materialistic medical science is like looking for fish in the trees. Therefore, no matter how much research along the present lines of reasoning is pursued, the effort will be equivalent to futility, like waiting for the Yellow River to flow clear.
     Above I have specified definitively the blind spots of medical science for which I have no other intention but the goal of saving humanity. If my discovery had not been made, the future of humanity would be difficult to predict. It is in this sense that the realization of a world without disease would not be a hard task if my theory were to be acknowledged and medical science could make a fresh start. But, even if my theory were to be opposed and censured by scholars and intellectuals throughout the entire world and completely ignored, still will I advance waving the banner of truth.
     In spite of opposition, there is no doubt that among researchers and intellectuals are those who will certainly appreciate, wonder at, and find resonance with my theory. Indeed, if individuals one hundred years ago had been told about airplanes flying through the air, about hearing voices from thousands of miles away via radio waves, or of hundreds and thousands of people being massacred in an instant with the atomic bomb, not even one would probably have deigned to listen to such fanciful tales.
     This is the burden of pioneers. My theory is truth, and as it is truth that concerns the very matter of human life, it is incomparable to any other discovery or invention however great it may be held in consideration. I appeal to all doctors throughout the world to read and study my theory with a clean slate, free from the binds of the current limits of medical learning, with what Bergson calls the eye of intuition.

Revolutionary Treatment for Tuberculosis, page 36, August 15, 1951
translated by cynndd

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It is to be noted that the essay “Byōgen to Shite no Saikin,” the ninth chapter of Kekkaku no Kakumeiteki Ryōhō (Revolutionary Therapy for Tuberculosis), page 36, August 15, 1951, whose first eight essays, revised and unrevised, form the first essays in the second part on healing of the projected volume Bunmei no Sōzō (Creation of Civilization), apart from occasional similar phrasing, bears hardly any resemblance to the corresponding essay “Ningen to Byōki” (“Human Beings and Disease”), the eleventh chapter of the second part of Bunmei no Sōzō (Creation of Civilization), which was not printed until 1971, and then only for a select audience.