Great Construction
Commemorative Celebration for Reducing
Tuberculosis by Half
The other day was held a ceremony to commemorate the reducing by half of the number of deaths due to tuberculosis in Japan. From our perspective, however, such a commemoration can be considered not only hasty but simply ridiculous. The number of deaths caused by tuberculosis has indeed decreased by half, but the number of tubercular patients not only does not decrease but shows all the signs of continuing to increase, a point that truly deserves serious consideration. If the number of patients did decrease, that would certainly be cause for endless celebration to which we would happily assent. But decrease only in the number of deaths makes it difficult to be optimistic. This pessimism is unavoidable since medical science does not grasp the fundamentals of healing. Indeed, instead of celebrating, rather it is time to commiserate. I will go into these aspects of my argument in detail and when understood, I am sure many people will be much ashamed of themselves.
As I always teach, new drugs, such as streptomycin and 4-aminosalicylic acid, now appear on the market one after another. Their efficacy is the power to halt the body’s purifying function by the use of poison, so it is thought that they are effective because they temporarily decrease the symptoms, but this decrease is nothing more than a respite. Indeed, the only benefit is the postponement of death, and as life cannot continue for long, there is no freedom from anxiety. Such is the fundamental reason why, although the death rate may decrease, the number of tuberculosis patients does not decrease. Thus, the question arises what will happen from now on if the present situation continues. As time passes, purification will recur, the number of patients will increase, and again drugs will be used, but at this point these drugs will be even less effective, so drugs more toxic will be created, much along the same lines as the ever-increasing cravings of the narcotics addict. As this vicious cycle continues, drugs will lose their effectiveness and ultimately will have no effect whatsoever. At the same time, however, the potent medicinal poisons that have been ingested in the human body will start to purify, chronic tuberculosis will develop which will probably result in many sudden deaths. A manyfold increase of the present number of tuberculosis patients will most likely occur.
For such reasons, by the arrival of the time that drugs do lose their effectiveness and the number of tuberculosis patients dramatically increases, people will shrivel up in fear to remember the commemorative celebration presenty being held. I do not wish to be so pessimistic, but as these consequences are already known, I cannot but give warning. To repeat, the period of a decrease in death by tuberculosis is only temporary. Of course, it will be next year or the year after next that the trend raises its head again, and then the authorities and the public at large will be a great loss as to what to do. It will come to be held that the miracle drugs of today led to an age of terror. There are no words that can describe the superstition that produces such results. Moreover, as even now doctors in the United States, which has achieved such a level of civilization, still do not awake to and perceive this superstition, the great compassion and the great mercy of the heart of God has bid me inform the world.
At this stage of my explanation, an important point should be added. That is, the efficacy of the new drugs just described above will increase the number of those who do not die but who are half-sick, so those who have to be treated as broken objects, that is, individuals who are passively healthy, will increase. Unable to work for long periods of time and only capable of light labor, the number of such individuals will rise to generate a grave problem for the entire nation.
In such circumstances, because the Johrei of World Messianity dissolves and discharges the medicinal toxins contained in the human body, Johrei creates truly healthy human beings for which there could be no more wonderfully good tidings. Therefore, when both the authorities and doctors find out about our work, as soon as possible they should work with us putting aside personal feelings and profit. Such participation would be the height of enlightenment and should be the true way of doctors, nay the true way of persons of culture. In any case, it is obvious that realizing the importance of Johrei and working with us will inevitably occur, so like it or not, I continue to recommend a complete one hundred and eight degree turn in mental attitudes.
Eikô, Issue 161, June 18, 1952
translated by cynndd