Great Construction
Scientific Evidence for the Transition into the World of Daylight
Something I heard the other day during the “School Newspaper” program on the radio concerned the interesting research published by the Swedish scientist Hans Ahlmann. Which was, that compared to fifty years ago, the temperature surrounding the earth has become ten degrees warmer, truly an astonishing report. Astonishing because, if the earth continues to warm at this rate, based on the percentage of a tenfold increase in the last five hundred years, the earth should become one hundred degrees warmer, a rather unbelievable forecast. What must be considered here, however, is that if such changes existed in more ancient times, then those times would have already experienced sweltering heat, and humanity should have perished. But, as there is no record of such an event occurring, the argument is rather unconvincing. Thinking along these lines, it can be thought that this change has only started in the last several decades. Any other explanation is not logical.
This subject has important significance in relation to that which I advocate, the transition from the world of night to the daylight world. To explain this transition, in Japan, since the start of the Meiji era and gradually progressing until the fifteenth day of the sixth month of the sixth year of the Showa era, the spiritual world of the earth has gradually entered the dawn. The day before, June 14, 1931, accompanied by some thirty followers, I climbed Mount Nokogiri in the province of Boshu atop which is located the famous mountain temple Nihon-ji that carries the appellation Mount Heaven and Earth where we stayed overnight, and on the following morning of the fifteenth, finished climbing to the summit at five o’clock and performed religious ceremonies. After this event various miracles occurred, which my followers have probably read about in a book I published previously, and these events and affairs have been demonstrated scientifically. One of which is the report mentioned above that the earth’s temperature has become warmer.
One can rest assured, however, that at the present percentage the earth will not get warmer. That is because the warming process will proceed only until a certain extent. As described above, the spiritual world of the earth has entered the dawn, and it can probably be understood that recently as the spirit of fire has come to increase, purification also grows more severe. The spirit of fire is most likely thought to be just that, spirit, so there would be no amount of physical heat, but to a certain level there is an amount of physical heat. My Johrei demonstrates this quite well. When I channel mass Johrei to several hundred people for ten or twenty minutes, there are those in the group who become very warm and there are even some individuals who sweat profusely. There are times when I enter a room, it is said, even in winter, the place becomes warmer. But, the influence from the increase of spirit of fire will be in all aspects, not simply on disease, so as this tendency reaches its global climax, it will be the end of this world. There is a great amount of mystery to this subject, but as its announcement is still premature, I do intend to make it known in time.
Eikō, Issue 179, October 22, 1952
translated by cynndd