Great Construction

Paradise on Earth

     As I have previously explained, the goal of the Creator is an ideal world, so the history of the planet has been the process of constructing such, and after countless vicissitudes our world has finally come to the point where we are one step away from paradise on earth. The concept of an earthly heaven appears in the Bible; Buddhism speaks of the world of the Maitreya; and in the West have appeared concepts like Utopia and so forth, but the meanings are the same, that is, an ideal world. Broadly speaking, paradise on earth will be a world free of disease, poverty, and conflict. But, of these three great calamities, as the role of disease is pivotal, it is only a matter of course that poverty and conflict will eradicated on their own once the issue of disease is resolved.
     Because eradicating disease is primary, in this book I thoroughly analyze and clarify all aspects of the fundamental cause of disease. Furthermore, unlike medical science which is based on academic research that comes from human wisdom, what I will present is based on truth received through divine revelation and demonstrated by actual practice, so there is not one bit of error. What I am referring to when I speak of actual practice are the experiences to date of the many thousands, tens of thousands, of my followers who daily treat  an equal, no greater, number of patients with healing of astonishing results. So astonishing that it would not be an exaggeration to say there are one hundred successes for every one success of medical science.
     In spite of the fact that the astonishing achievements described above are being witnessed on this planet, humanity mistakenly believes in the supremacy of ineffectual medical science. I cannot be silent in the face of the present situation where this tragic ignorance causes suffering from disease and cuts short lives that should be longer. God naturally will not allow this decadent, miserable condition to continue much longer. For this reason I hereby expose the ignorance of Western medical science in order to start the creation of healthy human beings who will be able to dwell in the coming ideal world. 

Creation of Civilization, unpublished, 1952
translated by cynndd

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“Chijōtengoku,” now known as the seventh and final chapter of “Joron” (“Introduction”), the first of the three parts that presently remain of the manuscript for the volume Bunmei no Sōzō (Creation of Civilization), a book that Meishu-sama never published but which is customarily dated 1952 even though Meishu-sama had started writing it earlier, has appeared in translation. Citation is given below for reference.

“Paradise on Earth,” Creation of Civilization, 1978, page 25.